
The clubs on this list are those that have won at least one of the four major debating competitions in Indonesia -- Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED), Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED), ASEAN Law Student Association Universitas Indonesia's English Competition (ALSA UI) and National University (English) Debating Championships (NU(E)DC). IVED is the 3-on-3 nationals. JOVED is the first tournament using an internationally accepted format. ALSA UI is the longest-running competition, which used an independent format before 1998. NU(E)DC is government-funded and pulls together participants from all 34 provinces in Indonesia. IVED uses the 3-on-3 Australasian format, JOVED and ALSA UI follow the Asians style while NU(E)DC is a British Parliamentary competition.

English Debating Society Universitas Indonesia (EDS UI)
President: Fadhilah Fitri Primandari
National Achievements: Champion IVED 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 06, 08, 16; JOVED 00, 02, 04, 08, 09, 12, 13, 15; ALSA 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18 & NU(E)DC 14/Finalist IVED 00, 02, 05, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; JOVED 97, 99, 02, 03, 09, 10; ALSA 98, 99, 09, 10, 17 & NU(E)DC 09, 10, 11

English Debating Society Universitas Gadjah Mada (EDS UGM)
President: Haikal Satria
National Achievements: Champion IVED 09, 11, 14, 17, 18; JOVED 06, 10, 16, 17 & ALSA 07, 16, 17/Finalist IVED 09, 10, 18; JOVED 07, 13, 15, 18; ALSA 08, 12, 15, 18 & NU(E)DC 10, 13, 14

Student English Forum Institut Teknologi Bandung (SEF ITB)
President: Yosephine Gita Hutahuruk
National Achievements: Champion IVED 10, 15; JOVED 07, 18; ALSA 10, 13 & NUEDC 09/Finalist IVED 17; JOVED 11, 12, 17, ALSA 02 & NU(E)DC 10, 11, 12, 13

Universitas Atma Jaya Debating Club (ADC)
President: Silvya Suwandy
National Achievements: Champion IVED 07; JOVED 99, 05 & ALSA 09/Finalist IVED 99, 04; JOVED 98, ALSA 14 & NUEDC 09, 12 

Binus International Pool of English Debaters (BIPEDS)
Captain: Melisa Irene
National Achievements: Champion IVED 13, JOVED 14 & NUEDC 11, 13/Finalist ALSA 11, 13

Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara English Club (STAN EC)
President: Fadli Kurniawan
National Achievements: Champion IVED 04, 05 & JOVED 01/Finalist IVED 01, 06; JOVED 01, 04, 06 & ALSA 01, 04, 07

Universitas Bina Nusantara English Club (BNEC)
President: Yossy Hanna Garlina
National Achievements: Champion JOVED 03, NU(E)DC 12/Finalist JOVED 00, ALSA 00, 16, NU(E)DC 14

Universitas Parahyangan English Debating Society (PEDS)
President: Revian Wirabuana
National Achievements: Champion JOVED 97, 98/Finalist NU(E)DC 12, JOVED 16

Universitas Diponegoro Debating Forum (UDF)
President: Haekal Muhammad
National Achievements: Champion JOVED 11 & NU(E)DC 10

English Debating Society of Bakrie University (EDS Bakrie)
President: Andrew Prasatya
National Achievements: Champion IVED 12/Finalist NU(E)DC 11, 13