Friday, May 20, 2011

UADC 2011: The Preliminary Round Motions

Eight gruelling preliminary rounds of the 2011 United Asian Debating Championships ended today after a series of delays that made the Macao organizers squash a plan of having the third round on day 1, cramp 4 rounds on day 2 and hold an emergency council meeting on day 3. While the running of the competition failed to impress, the motions used in this year's edition of the most prestigious debating competition in Asia provoked interesting debates. Here are the complete list of the motions of the preliminary rounds:

R1 : The Young and the Old
* THW not allow minors to be involved in politics
* THW scrap the government pension system
* TH regrets the practice of 'tiger' parenting

R2 : Privacy and Intellectual Property
* THBT copyright of visual media belongs to the subject and not the photographer
* THW build a national DNA database
* THW ban the collection and sale of location and usage information by smartphone companies

R3 : Sex and Money
* THW ban adult entertainment from casinos
* THBT it is wrong to raise money for social welfare through national lotteries
* THW remove all sin taxes

R4 : Cross-Border
* THBT countries which pollute common waters should lose their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)
* THW not grant citizenship at birth to the children of foreigners on domestic soil
* THW pay the militaries of other states to fight our battles

R5 : Mind and Body
* THBT doctors should never lie to their patients even for their own good
* TH celebrates the willingness of women to be 'sluts'
* THW allow individuals to purchase behaviour-modifying drugs

R6 : The Middle Kingdom
* THBT China should leave the WTO
* THBT China should support the unification of the two Koreas
* THBT China should actively incentivise celebrities and public figures who are non-citizen ethnic Chinese to naturalise

R7 : The Audience
* THW make education in the high arts mandatory in schools
* THW require presidential candidates to disclose their official records upon public request
* TH regrets the high priority give to sports in the national consciousness

R8 : Transitions and Democracies
* TH prefers a secular autocracy to a fundamentalist democracy
* THW erase legacies and tear down monuments dedicated to deposed dictators
* THW require election campaigns to be bi/multi-lingual

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