Saturday, October 29, 2011

UI's Roderick Sibarani Regains DOTY 2011 Lead

Roderick Sibarani from Universitas Indonesia is back at the top of IndoDebate's Debater of the Year 2011 list after winning the ASEAN Youth Debate in Bandung earlier this month. He lost his lead last month after being ahead since May. The October list incorporated results from 2 tournaments, AYD and the E-Fest 2011 at Universitas Lampung. It does not include the Newbies Competition and Malang's English Parade because both contests limited participation based on non-competitive factors. The first was exclusively for college students without varsity debating experience while the latter only took debaters from three provinces.

AYD was country-based but to receive seats in the Indonesian team debaters had to undergo a national selection. Several debaters who were not in the official Team Indonesia also received points because they joined as non-breaking participants and finished at the top end of the speakers list. The DOTY 2011 list is still prone to changes as several tournaments await in November and December, including UI's Founders Trophy, the oldest British Parliamentary debate in Indonesia that is expected to attract the nation's top debaters.

The top 5 debaters who currently lead the DOTY list are:
1. Roderick Sibarani (UI)
2. Rifan Ibnu Rahman (ITB)
3. Satrio Adi Pratama (Undip)
4. Dimas Hokka (UI)
5. Luthfi Abdurrahman (ITB)

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