Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jakarta Mini 2013: Key Results & Motions

Champions: Makibao Warrior (Rifan Ibnu Rahman/Ex ITB & Dennys Kapa/UI)
Finalists: Gabut (Dwita Aryani/Ex Unpar & Jane Revevalin/ITB), Yo Mama (Boby Ruitang/UI & Invi Atmanegara/Binus Intl), Psycho Sisters (Bramesada Prasastyoga/Ex UI & Gabriel Charlotte/UI)

Top 10 Speakers
1. Dennys Kapa (Makibao Warrior/UI)
1. Rifan Ibnu Rahman (Makibao Warrior/Ex ITB)
3. Magreta Kailla Adenta (CMPTTV/UI)
3. Roderick Sibarani (World Without Strangers/UI)
5. Boby Ruitang (Yo Mama/UI)
6. Invi Atmanegara (Yo Mama/Binus Intl)
7. Jaran Walia (World Without Strangers/Binus Intl)
8. Elghafiky Bimardhika (Tim Hore/UI)
9. Anastasia Sijabat (CMPTTV/UI)
10. Jane Revevalin (Gabut/ITB)

R1. THW ban zoos
R2. THBT sexual harassment victims should never seek settlement behind the doors
R3. With benefit of hindsight, THB in a singular national wage for all people, for all workplaces, all job sectors, for all positions
R4. THW legalize sadomachoist sex
Pre-SF. THBT the EU should offer asylum to Edward Snowden
SF. THW allow community to discharge politicians on the basis of private misconduct (including but not limited to, extramarital affair, drinking habit etc)
GF. THW end the war on terror

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