The 2011 National Universities English Debating Championships officially began today at Universitas Diponegoro with a decision to require all teams to undergo 7 debates at the preliminary stage rather than 5 rounds, which the organizers previously announced in their published rundown before the arrival of the participants in Semarang. While the new number of preliminary rounds is better suited for a competition that has more than 90 teams, the timing of the change, one day before the debates, surprised many and could have been better planned.
There may be 4 rounds on the first day of actual competition tomorrow, one more than scheduled, and that means participants may have to debate from early in the morning until nightfall. There may be 3 more preliminaries on the second day before the break announcement. The tabulation team will be under pressure to avoid any delay that can complicate an already tight schedule.
wow! what a sudden change! i hope it was not a rush decision which is taken in the last minute